Sunday, December 11, 2011

How can i play hard to get or is their no chance after this incident? why is he hiding from me???

how can i play hard to get or is their no chance after this incident? why is he hiding from me???

how can i play hard to get or is their no chance after this incident? why is he hiding from me???

i need good advise fast!! i let one of my friends know that i like the guy in our job, my friend who's really my x sister in law because she's divorced from my brother always was jellous of me. well my x-sister in law was working at this job 3 years before me, so she knows everybody their before me. i just started this job one month ago and this really cute guy got my attention, i would always see him staring at me and once in a while he would say hi, or something like that, but ever since i told my x sister in law that l really like this guy, i feel he tries to keep away from me even hide. i suspect she told him i like him, well how can i fix this problem and is their a way i can have a chance with this really cute guy or has he lost interest in me?How can i play hard to get or is their no chance after this incident? why is he hiding from me???
Sorry no chance anymore, he knows.How can i play hard to get or is their no chance after this incident? why is he hiding from me???
confrontation is your best line of defense before this situation gets out of hand ask him if he wants a drink after work or something to that extent good luck.
Wow lots of baggage and very deep trouble. I think you dont have a pray though. Best of luck to you.
Ask your x-sister in law if she told him anything, and ask her what does she know about him... maybe he is married, and it's all in your head.

Next time if you don't trust your friends keep your mouth shut and manage things yourself.
Look at it like this. If he knows now that you like him and still keeps away to the point of avoidance, then you could play EASY to get and it still would not matter ( by the way playing hard to get is for 3rd grade recess, they call it TAG ). On a side note if you know all of these things about your ex-sister in law, do you not find it stupid to confide in her in anyway, never mind go and work where she does. Wow!
It seems this guy was acting in a normally friendly way towards you until your former sister-in-law possibly said something to him. If she cannot be trusted leave her out of the loop entirely.

Best chance to find out how the guy feels about you is to ask him. Don't jump in at the deep end and declare your feelings for him - it could scare him off, especially if he's been told something damaging by ex sis-in-law. No, just ask about his seemingly changed attitude to you and ask, if he has heard some story, to allow you to give your side of it. If all is going well then you could slowly progress towards something deeper - unless he makes a move in that direction faster.

Chances of playing hard to get? Do you really want to play it like that? Play it straight and honest.
Well, are you sure his behavior has changed, or is it just your imagination? If you think your ex-sister in law is jealous, don麓t confide in her again!

As for him changing his behavior because he supposedly know you like him, it just means he麓s not interested. Forget him and move on...
Write him an email explaining the situation. When you talk to someone they can ignore you or interrupt, but there's something about emails that make people curious and they want to read the whole thing. It may be the best way to make your case. If it doesn't work, move on to someone who want you back.

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