you can't be the agressor and play hard to get at the same time.
Your best bet is to be blunt, let him know you're interested but that you have a life and you're not going to wait around for him so if he's interested tell him he needs to make the next move. Balls in his court, if he's interested he'll be chasing after you.How do i play hard to get?
Dating is hard enough without playing hard to get. Do something fun, play a game and tell him if he wins you'll kiss him. Something silly to pass the time.
don't play or he'll get bored and find someone less difficult...
Don't play hard to get, guys are easily discouraged and when women play hard to get it makes us think, ';Does she like me or does she not'; and we feel intimidated and give up and move on to the next woman.
Say, ';hell no douchebag, backs the hell off.'; Thats pretty hard to get, right there.
dont play hard to get
Just ignore him at times. Act like you are interested in other guys....... Flirt in front of him. Let him know you can be with anyone. He'll appreciate the time he has with you.
I think it is best if you refrain from playing hard to get at all. The whole world of singles is way too complicated in the first place and playing games just makes it that much worse. If a guy is interested in something with you, he will make it apparent. If he is one of those men who is ';all about the chase';, then it doesn't seem like a relationship would be feasible anyways because he will not be satisfied once he has you. I suggest you invite him somewhere and if you have a good time, be honest about it. Let him know you're into him! Good luck!
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