Talk down to her and make her feel insecure. Then she'll really look for your approval. You have to treat girls like that like an azz-hole. Sounds crazy but it works.How to play hard to get without her thinking I'm not interested (please answer)?
I wouldn't worry with this girl. We like a guy that plays hard to get, but not for a couple of months. We mean for you to ask us out, then don't call for a few days. Then, if she ask you to do something, tell her you have plans, but then make alternate plans with her for another time. We like a little chase, but we don't want to have to work too hard for it. Also, we always want what we can't have. You can't want it if you already have it.
Dont listen to the first answer.
Thats bull.
Be cool. When your with her be flirty and nice, but then (nicely) walk away to talk to some one else. That way she'll want to follow you cuz your nice, yet not obsessed with her.
DONT be harsh or rejecting, she'll just retaliate, just be a social god =]
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