Thursday, October 28, 2010

I really need some help in my life?

Hi, Am 19 years old guy. Last few years have been really unfortunate for me, 3 years back i got into some really bad skin problems on my hands and back, Due to this reason, i use to you rarely get out. This made me sit more time at home,thus i started adopting an addiction towards gaming.

I kind of play alot of everyday. I have forgotten how to 'Socialise'; with people. Last week i had a family function and i was quite and nervous the whole time. Any new crowds just gets really shy. Yesterday went with my friends away for the weekend after a really long time. My mates are full of confidence and approach women so easily, and this make me feel even more upset about my self. When i speak to girls my age, i just blank out and dont know what to say. The whole while i just think about what to say.

I really need some deep help. I just want to get back into the reallity with people. I find it very hard to have good long conversations.. Am not able to bond with people.

I hope to get positive answers.I really need some help in my life?
Gaming addiction is just as bad as any other addiction. So go cold turkey on the games and (as you still seem to have friends) go out more with them just hang out. Basically watch and learn from them. Ease yourself into it.I really need some help in my life?
Here are the steps in learning positive social behavior:

1) start with one on one...Hi, my name is...., what's yours? Once you say a few words, and if the conversation starts, ask the other about themselves...I know of no one who does not love to talk about themselves. No matter how long the ';conversation,';, the other will think you brilliant if you have let them rattle on and on about themselves. They will want to see you again.

2) After you master the art of getting others to open up by talking about themselves, begin inserting things about yourself. Hard at first, becomes easier with practice. Be aware of the others attentiveness...if you notice they are getting edgy, you are boring them..get them talking again.

3) After getting steps 1 and 2 down, move on to groups of 3, 4, or 5...same rules...listen more than talk.

4) once you have the first 3 steps under your belt (allow about 2 months serious practice, start sizing people up, ask a gal out for a will get a yes. Go from there, and do not settle for the first to come along. Someone is out there made for you.

5) Realize that the world is filled with people just like you. IN fact, very few are artful at conversation, etc....more are like you. Get the jump by practice.

6) This is more like step One...TURN OFF THE COMPUTER! A computer is not a person. It is not a date. It is not a conversationalist! AS long as you have that computer to fall back on, you will fail in steps 1-5. In fact, unless you absolutely need a computer for work, loan it out or lock it up! People should not get involved with virtual until they can deal with real very well! I do wish you good luck, this is all far easier than it sounds. Goldwing
aint there some cream to help you with your skinproblems?Dont use this argument as an excuse NOT to be able to bond with others,they care about your personality MORE I hope and stop comparing yourself with your friends,we are all different so this aint any use at could ask for some tricks or watch them how they ';operate'; but it still aint the real you,you need to relax more,how about some assertive-training or some improvisation-workshops...just to boost your self-esteem and to open up more in general
3 years is a really long period but don't worry you can get back on your feet easily. Many people today needs help with their socializing with others so you are not alone. Approaching girls is not as hard as you might think even after 3 years of doing nothing.

The best way yet to approach a girl is just to be natural and approach normally. Go over to her and say: ';Hi, I'm _______ and i want to meet you because you look like an interesting person.';

It doesn't matter where you are at the moment because this kind of approach works everywhere.

Approaching like this will make her instantly attracted to you because you had the courage to walk over to her with nothing but a simple conversation, which also makes you look confident about yourself. It shows her that you don't need some cheap pick up lines or something 'catchy' in order to talk to her.

It also shows her that you are decisive and that you know what you want and also that you try to get what you want. In this case, getting to know her.

Anyway I know that approaching like this is kinda hard if you haven't done that before. But trust me it works every time.

If you approach like this the girl will have no reason to reject you because all you ask from her is to meet her. You didn't asked her out yet, or you didn't asked her to have sex with you. It's just a simple name exchanging and socializing.

After that simple sentence you can continue the conversation. The important thing is the opening. The ice-breaker. Later on just go with the flow.

You can hang out in the local coffee shop or in the city park. Doesn't matter much where you will hang out but it should be somewhere where you will feel comfortable.

I hope my answer helped and if you want to know more about how to approach, how to act and how to seduce women visit the source page below.

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