Thursday, October 28, 2010

Im clingy towards a guy who is playing hard to get how do i play that game?

i dated this guy two years ago and i cheated on him and he has finally forgiven me. But now im clingy around him because i just want to jump into a relationship. i already know everything about him so i don't know what else there is to do. He is always sarcastic towards me and i dont have any combacks to what he says to me and there pretty rude. All my friends hate him because he is mean to me and i just need to stand up for myself but how do i do that to a guy i love? i know he likes me i just dont really see him act like it. I tried telling him to text me or call me and he wants me to or else we wont talk. we went a week without talking cuz i didnt try to talk to him so i dont know how to make him text me first... :( Im confused on how to make him fall in love with me. and to not be so clingy. HELP!Im clingy towards a guy who is playing hard to get how do i play that game?
I'm gonna guess that he actually DOESN'T like you and he HASN'T forgiven you and he's just messing with your head. Which you are letting him do by being borderline stalker-ish.Im clingy towards a guy who is playing hard to get how do i play that game?
Don't go after him all the time, go out and have fun, let him know you have a life and stuff. Let him come to you after seeing you're worth it. Just act normal, like you used to and don't act like you're trying to be around him all the time, maybe he'll see if he likes you that you have options and he'll have to go after you before you get over him and move on.
He probably see's exactly what you trying to do and is pushing you away for a pretty good reason, I would think. Leave everything the way it is and move on. If you cheated on this guy once, your more than likely to do it again. You can tell that to your girlfriends to. The only reason I could be upset with this guy is, what the hell did he ever see in you? MOVE ON.
I think maybe hes getting revenge on you for cheating on him, I know it was a long time ago but maybe now hes finally over you and wants to get even, so hes going to treat you like crap which there's no excuse for. Move on before you get your self really hurt.

I wouldn't trust him if I were you.
Move on! I know you say that he forgives you, but he doesn't. He will never fully trust you again. Let's face it, you betrayed his trust. Now you want things to go back to the way they were. No matter what he tells you, he doesn't forgive you and never will.

Move on, and don't be unfaithful. Things will go much better next time if you don't cheat.
If you dont want to be clingy, then just ignore him all together. Dont text him or call him or anything. If he actually does care about you, then he'll eventually text you. If he doesnt care about you, then he wont and you're better off without him.
You already blew it with him, why are you still trying to date him, He will just continue to make you look like a dumb b i tch. Its a good way of getting you back. You should get a life with someone else to cheat on, and then start over again.
The question I would ask myself is - Has he really forgiven you

I don't think he has ,He's playing with you and he's going to drop you like a ton of bricks just like you did him .
Sounds like you're setting up a great relationship. Sarcasm is the foundation of many successful relationships.

It sounds like he's still pissed at you. Which I would be. Because you're a cheating *****. And I wouldn't take you back ever.
you need to play hard to get back, you cant be the only one chasing, if not you shouldn't be together you both have to want to be together
hun. you really need to let this go. hes just not into you. i know how hard it must be. but once you can get over it. it will be so much better, i promise.
if hes not bothering to talk , dont talk to him and maybe try and get another guy and try to get him to see you and your new guy with eachother

then he will realise how much he wants u
Don't play games. If you feel you must, then you are not ready for a relationship.
Grow up and don't play games. And stop being a promiscuous slut.
Play the same game.
Ignore him.
continue u as u r. make googlle eyes toward's his fem fetale.
Playing games is childish and stupid. Be upfront and honest.
He is playing hard to get but he is also being sarcastic and hurtful at the same time. First get yourself in the right frame of mind, so you love him, ok well does that mean he gets to walk all over you and make you do all the work in the relationship, NO! Are you willing to give someone your heart and time that treats you rudely because they think they have a right to?

Here is what I would do: Wait until you are together and alone in a private area. Have him sitting and stand in front of him. This may seem ackward but you will be amazed at the confidence and attention you get just from having him sitting and you standing while you talk. Give him direct eye contact even if you blush or feel uncomfortable, eye contact is a must. Tell him, I want you to know the things that you are saying and doing are hurting me (don't say feelings or we need to talk because guys block out all after those words). You can say it firmly or say it softly whatever makes you comfortable. After you say this get silent, do not give details or further insight. He will look at you and have to think about what he is doing wrong. Then he will ask you. When he asks tell him that he speaks to you harshly with sarcasm, that he does not call or text you himself, and that you are not receiving any signs, words, or actions that imply he cares for you at all. When he says he doesn't understand or what are you talking about, give him an example. Say well for instance....... Tell him you want a guy to text or call you at times because this lets you know they are interested in you and that you don't always want to be the one doing it. The important thing is throughout the conversation (no yelling or sarcasm) be specific about what is wrong (not vague or giving a hint), explain why it bothers you (not how it hurts your feelings because guys don't always understand the full impact on our feelings).

You cannot make him fall in love. You cannot change him. YOu can explain to him what you want and what you feel for him. You can communicate openly. If he continues sarcasm or says hurtful things or brings up the past I suggest telling him you want to take a break from the relationship to think about what you really want. Then walk away. YOU DO NOT OWE HIM BECAUSE OF THE PAST!!!
STOP BEING CLINGY. It's the biggest turn off with guys.

How would you feel if he was doing that to you? Sure at first you might like it but after a while it get's to be annoying. Jumping into a relationship is bad. Take your time.

Find comebacks. Practice them. Get good at being sarcastic. It's a good trait.

Geez, stand up for yourself girl! Doesn't matter who it is and how much you love them. No one deserves to talk to you like that. No one.

If you want him to text and call you first and talk to you you have to make him want you.

1. Stop being clingy.

2. Punish yourself to stop talking to him first.

3. Make him miss you.

4. He will talk to you if he wants to talk to you.

If you go away and stop being clingy he'll start to miss you. Just take time. I know it sucks waiting for him to call and talk to you but you HAVE to punish yourself to do so.

The girl isn't supposed to be the one chasing. The guy is supposed to chase the girl. Always. Don't sell yourself short. Make him want you. Make him chase you. You have to be the one playing hard to get. Guys like a chase, guys like playing that game. Don't let him play you.
I'm a girl logged on my friends name btw. Seriously, the boy should do the chasing in my opinion. Personally, i would never run after a boy or make the first move in any circumstance. Playing hard to get is much more effective. He has never forgave and has you right where he wants you. Stop acting so desperate. I'm not trying to sound harsh but to put it bluntly.... He doesn't want you- MOVE ON!

p.s...... you sound a bit... well....... weird =/
He's not going to chase after someone that isn't worth it. If all your doing is being clingy for long periods of time, that makes him run, and never chase you. The way to do it is to make him run but leave, and have him want to come chase you (example, to initiate with you for once). To get this to happen, have a great time with him. You say you know him, thats good. Take initiative and go do something with him that he enjoys, keep the conversation playful. I am sarcastic and usually without the intention of hurting people, but many people misinterpret it as offensive. Hes probably doing the same thing. Just play around with him the whole date, laugh at his sarcasm and make him feel like your fun and playful. Then just wait a bit. He should respond to you before you initiate back. Good luck

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