Sunday, November 21, 2010

How to play hard to get with a boy your hanging out with?

so theres this boy who i have been hanging out with for a few days now, but want to know how to keep him interested and for him to want to be with me like work for it almost so what are some tips i could use to keep this guy interested? he texts me all the time everday should i just not respond to them? and he wants to hang out tomorrow should i just say im busy?How to play hard to get with a boy your hanging out with?
You don't. You won't get any kind of serious relationship from a guy that way. That simply entices him to think that you are eager to get it on.How to play hard to get with a boy your hanging out with?
You sound pretty young and so I guess that boys that age are narcissistic(full of themselves), I understand why you might want to avoid him if he's texting you all of the time.

He's too young to know how to talk to you properly, so you're just going to have to play it by ear.

Try to get him to understand that he has to stop texting you about stupid **** all day and wait until you hang out so he can talk to you about what he has been thinking about you. As to the current round of texts, just reply here and there when you have a good line but don't reply if he's just speaking gibberish.
in my opinion, playin hard to get isnt the way to go, if he wants to talk to u, then talk to him... if he wants to hang out then i think it would be really rude to lie about bein busy. u like him to right.. hook up with him. what could hurt?? and im not tryn to be rude im just sayn what i think should be said..
Not responding is rude. Lying about being busy is...well a lie. And once he finds out you are a lier then why on earth would he want to give you the time of day after that? Why do you want to play games with him? Totally immature.
wow. really. grow up. if you like him then let him have you. if you don't like him, then tell him straight out. guys really get mad when a girl wants to play with their feelings. just be straight out with him.
Why would you say that. Do you like him, if you do dont play that game because if he is smart hell move on when he thinks you are being annoyed by him or have no interest in him. If you dont like him go ahead and dis him.
Oh when will you learn.

There is a large chance he will lose interest if you play hard to get. Not a good strategy. If you like him just ask him out or you may lose em.
Playing hard to get usually backfires.

Bear that in mind as you proceed to play on him..

I hate girls like you :)

just love him goddammit it's not that hard
good question! Text him back, but take your time. If you want to hang out go for it but maybe try and convince him that you can't go here or here but possibly here. Somewhere he maybe wouldn't want to go!
When will girls find out that guys absolutely despise that!!

They hate girls that play games!! You know he wants you!!

No need to f*ck with his head like that!!
just say your interested and don't sleep with him the first date. Why play games? That can blow up in your face.
Don't play hard to get. They slip away from you doing that.
dont play hard to get, boys have simple minds, he'll think you've gone off him !
LOL, i hate girls who play hard 2 get
Grow up!
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