how do you play ';hard to get'; with a guy
yet still be sexy and stuff without being easy
not that i am
i just want guys to know taht they have to respect me
(past relationship didnt go well, im new to the whole dating thing so i need some goood andvice)
for some reaso, i dont know why a lot of guys go after me, and they give me ';the look'; up and down
i mean i know thses guys ,they go to my highschool
but still, i dont really know how to handle myself
i mean i want to look hot and be able to pull off the hole ';push up bra thing'; without looking like a complete easy slut!1
becasue i know im nnot
i mean i have values, and i dont compromise with my beleifs, im not gonna let a guy talk ethat away from me
i just dont know how to show that on a ';first impression';
as i said before.
im new to thisHow do you play..........................鈥?(with a guy)?
Dont play ';hard to get'; the guy will likely know that you are plying games with him. I can only speak for myself, but whenever a girl plays are to get I play along, and then when I do get her. I use her, abuse her, and loose her.
Guys hate games (at least they say they do)How do you play..........................鈥?(with a guy)?
o itz easy email me cuz i gotta secret way 2 make guyz wunt u
Why play hard to get, it's just a waste of time and solves nothing, I hate that game. I like the one called%26gt; ';I'm interested in you and would like some sex now.....Please';. It's far better and is way more fun.
Here is what I have done in the past. Make him want you even more. Dont do anything with him but little stuff, like teasing, and touching just a little. It makes them want you even more and more and by the time you guys start really seeing each other, he will melt every time you dont wanna do anything with him. This will make him call you and want you to do everything with him.
You probably push away and play hard to get because it's the only you feel guys won't think you are easy? Or maybe being a teas is fun to you and it is a confidence booster for you? Well just be yourself with guys. You say you have morals well show them. Don't be a tease. They are not learning that from you when you push away. And don't tell them. Show them. Be a lady. It's ok, jyust be yourself. And send whatever the hell they think of you to hell. In time they will change their mind. Only you can mold what people think about you into a good thing. Good luck ;)!
I hate that game with a pasion. I have gotten to the point where if a person plays hard to get, I just move on.
There is a fine line between dressing Hot and being a tease. I'm not saying that you can't pull it off, but be careful you are playing with TNT. I think you can do it, you sound very mature for your age. Be sure to have fun and stay safe.
Hey be careful cause guys like me will recognize your games and play you right back. The games gos both ways, dont forget that!!!!!!
And dont compare ';MEN'; to ';HIGH SCHOOL BOYS'; We are smarter than them and have had games played on us before so we know what to look for. Good luck.
You say you want to know how to play ';hard to get'; meaning, mess with a guy's mind and yet want respect?
This is why men consider women crazy. You can't have it both ways. If you like a guy, let him know. Stop playing games, life's too short for b.s.
Here's an idea: just BE yourself. be comfortable with yourself and like yourself and the rest will just fall into place.
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