so i like this guy, and he really really likes me. but i dont like him as much as he likes me. we have only hung out twice, but we talked on myspace for awhile and i finally met him. he always tells me how much he likes me and hes falling for me faster than i am for him. i guess i kind of like it when guys play hard to get? and with him it was just so easy and he flat out told me how much he liked me. i do think i want to date this guy, but it seems a little weird because hes likes me sooooo much more than i like him right now. and i havent really gotten the chance to hangout with him enough and fall for him like he has fallen for me. im confused by my feelings, and i just wanna know what should i do, is this normal for me to feel this way or what?I dont like him as much as he likes me? but i still like him and maybe want to date?
dont throw a good thing away.
people spend forver finding someone crazy about them.
id date him. in time youll like him as much as he likes you.
why would you let him pass you by?
it is normal to feel that way.
thats exactly how it was with my ex bf. he liked me a sh*t load
more than i liked him.. i mean a lot more.. like he would call daily %26amp;
sometimes i wouldnt answer just to not answer.. i never took him seriously b4 we went out %26amp; i talked to other guys while we got to know eachother but i took a chance on him %26amp; i ended up falling im love with him.. he broke up with me.. tables turn.
just follow your heart
hope i helpedI dont like him as much as he likes me? but i still like him and maybe want to date?
Anyone you meet on line, please casual date first in a group of friends. See if he is true or not. You may end up liking him more than right now. But, be careful first.
I'm in a similar situation right now and all i can say is if you like him back you should see where it goes just make sure he ain't too clingy, and another thing its better to be liked alot then for a guy not to show you how he really feels in my book
If you think you might like him, go out...tell him you need to take it slow though. If he starts to get stalkerish at all- drop him right away! I've dated guys that started coming on really strong right away and they got really possesive and controling. Just beware. He could just be a nice guy that is open with his feelings. Do what you feel is right.
give him a chance. you might see the other side of him.
who knows, you might get to know him very well and even like him more than you know.
just give him a chance.
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