So here's the story: I met this guy let's say named ace because he was friends with this other guy I was really close with. Well, then the guy I was really close with and I became a couple, but ace and I would flirt still. After my guy and I broke up, another guy asked me out and thinking ace wasn't interested anymore (he told my ex; apparently he was lying so he wouldn't my my ex feel worse), I said yes. Then ace became really mad at me and wouldn't talk to me. A couple months later, we started talking again but I can tell he's playing hard to get because he doesn't flirt as much unless he's in a good mood. I know for a fact he still sorta likes me and this other girl. He's become really distant really and he thought I was flirting with his other friend and called me a player.
A. How do I get him back?
B. Play hard to get? If so, how do i do that if he plays hard to get too?
C. How will I get him to really like me and only me not any other girl?
I really miss him :( and fyi, we're both teens 13-15 if that helps..How can I get a guy that's REALLY good at playing hard to get back?
I am sorry, too many fish in the sea. Move on to another that is into you, and not a player or hard to get in all his vanity.
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