Friday, November 12, 2010

Should I play hard to get with this guy I really like?

I really like this guy that I met a couple months ago, and at first it seemed like he liked me. He would flirt and tease me, compliment me,etc. He asked me to teach him to dance, because I'm a dancer. So I agreed and made plans with a couple of our friends to get together and I would teach them. He flaked out on me twice and didn't show up. The first time I called him and asked if he was coming when he didn't show up. He said he forgot and was a little cold on the phone. Then he told me to remind him on Facebook for next week. So I did the day we were supposed to have the class. He told me he was coming. Then he didn't show up again. He wrote on FB that night how sorry he was and how much he wanted to come, but he couldn't make it. He didn't say why though. Should I just ignore him, or should I reply back?Should I play hard to get with this guy I really like?
He's like a brick you need to drag along with a rope to get it somewhere. This will be not fun at all. So let the silence tell a story.Should I play hard to get with this guy I really like?
do the same thing to him.
Forget him.

When a guy likes you he MAKES it happen. This guy has flaked out on your numerous times over MONTHS and has yet to go on a date with you? Wake up sweetie.

Learn to go off actions and not words. He can apologize all he wants, but until he stops cancelling get togethers and sets up a date with you he's just not that interested.

Don't reply to him, move on completely.
he sounds like a jackass, but if you like him i say stay at it.

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